Tuesday, 2. April 2002
April 1

George Bush Jr. makes bold statements supporting Prime Minister Sharon's actions agains Yasser Arafat, not the least of these calling Arafat, "The most dangerous man in the world." Meanwhile Bush's cabinet sits quietly on the sidelines most likely agonizing over yet one more PR stumble this idiot of a leader had gracelessly preformed.

I find this situation a little humorous. Our intent as a Nation is to wage war with terrorism and that includes going into Iraq and taking out Saddam Hussien once and for all. The preferred method of doing so would be to educate, train, and arm Iraqis themselves so that once given the assistance, Iraqis could finish the job and in an ideal world set up a democracy in accordance with the United State's wishes. I call this plan, "Operation Sterilize" because it is once again the US trying to wage a sterile war or police action, preferring instead to let the citizenry of a country whose government WE disagree with absorb the brunt of the casualties.

Do even consider such a large scale and long-term operation, the US has to build a coalition of support in the Middle East. This looked relatively easy to do before recently, when Sharon's own war on terrorism got in the way of our war on terrorism. Now the hands of the United States are tied. No coalition can be built because leaders of countries such as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan are concerned with this war becoming implicitly a war on Islam and Palestine. Effectively the leaders of those countries handcuffed us by insisting that the US somehow ideologically tie inextricably the war on Iraq and an established peace in Israel. This is something akin to asking a scientist to breed an elephant with a pig. It takes more than Barry White and some alcohol to get it done. In fact, it is impossible.

So, what does this mean for the US? It means peace--lasting peace must be made between the Palestinians and the Israelites before and campaign in Iraq can begin. So the President is sort of shooting himself in the foot when he praises Sharon's tough stance on terrorists while Sharon blasts the hell out of Arafats bunker yet paradoxically denies the desire to kill Arafat. Hrmmm.....lemme think. Isnt Sharon the guy that also said he wished he would have killed Arafat personally decades ago when he was still serving in the military? Yeah, and YASSIR ARAFAT is the one telling all the lies.

I think they are all telling lies and this is all part of a panic attack the United States and the world is feeling to some degree or another. If Joe McCarthy could be here now. Hell, Wisconsin produced the second one, maybe we'll all get lucky and that republican state will produce another raving lunatic just as fond of witchhunts as old drunk Joe was. But wait.......I think Texas did that for us already.

To the Israelites I say these things. GET OVER YOURSELVES. How many of your god damned civilians have to die by the hand of terrorists for hire that really arent under Arafats control anyway!? Your intelligence has to know that the factionist sections of the PLO and Hezbolah have the financial capability to simply buy terrorists from Jordan, the world's contract killer. When you people won the god damned country back in 1945 you werent happy with what you got. Apparently you thought you didnt have enough dry barren wasteland so you had to grab more in the sixties, with total disregard for the displacement of thousands of natives. Does this remind anyone of the Native American quagmire? Let the poor god damned people have the West Bank and Gaza strip and thier own damned statehood. You are already supplied, educated and trained by the United States. I really dont think Arafat will want to take on that demon. And how can you expect Arafat to enforce anything when you are shelling him all the freaking time in his own home!? I wouldnt be able to hear myself think in those conditions. Not to mention the fact that you allow no Palestinian enforcement supplies to cross between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip save for your own US supplied tanks and rockets.

To the United States all I have to say is this. If that monkey-faced no-nothing dimwad prick-riding shitass son of a bitch manages to buy re-election, then you can kiss your consumption hungry asses goodbye...or at least many of you can....when the next strike comes it will be angrier than the first one, and a war-monger is the least qualified individual to quell the rage of the livid beasts in the Middle East.

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Monday, 1. April 2002

Alcoholism and the Olive Grove lifestyle, truly the most destructive mix.

However it is purely consistent of me to pursue that which is self-destructive. Something within me is hell-bound on destroying myself. I guess in this way I identify a great deal with Bill Clinton. An extremely intelligent man, versed in the practice of rhetoric ( duly so, he was a lawyer after all ), talented and able to do anything he set his mind to, was unfortunately, and quite anti-intuitively, familiar with the notion of self-destruction.

There is no place for Renaissance in our society today. The ability to pursue with excellence a wide range of things in a multi-disciplinary format is shunned; albiet given lip-service. Perhaps my resistance to the University system and the socially acceptable practice of being "categorized and functionized' is partly responsible for behavior that can be construed as self-destructive. However I have to examine the issue completely and look at the other side of the coin.

Perhaps I am not self-destructive at all. Perhaps it is only a label applied to those that refuse to be easily defined or placed within the walls that society builds for us.

Yet I think this consideration is not worthy of much plausibility. Constructive existence relies almost entirely on social function, and being as such, this implies one would have to make himself socially acceptable.

These are only topical kernels of an argument I wage with myself everyday, and by no means is the issue resolved. If it is true that time will tell all things, then I have that at least to look forward to, and I will do the only thing I can. That is, I will live my life as best I can and do only that which I think is to be right.

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humorous as it may seem, the only dream I remember is listening to the theme of Family Ties over and over.

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