Another Personal Ad

[View_My_Profile] tj_colby: PVT for Attention / Chat, I don't watch the room often | 20yr old Graphic Design SIUC Student / Pornstar for Citiboyz | Info and Pics in my profile

This is followed by a profile entry that reads:

Anywho, moving on: I am open to meeting new people and generally expanding my horizons like a sailor without a compass. Please feel free to e-mail me if you want. ***I don't do hookups, so don't waste your time or mine.*** I also don't just hang out with someone cause they e-mail me once, or send me their pictures. Lastly, you must be at least 17 or older to apply, not valid in Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. No purchase nessesary. THANKS!

Ok, IDIOT. You agreed to expose your pale, half-hard prick on the internet for (I would say too much, some more sensitive people would say too little) money, then you expect us to really think you arent looking for sex in a chatroom. Yeah right. This guy is definitely an IDIOT.

Wait, just when I thought it couldnt get any dumber, it does:

"I don't want my pic all over the 'net. *rolls eyes* Let's see. Out of the five hundred billion pictures out on the net, what are the odds of YOURS being the lucky one.**what does he mean by "lucky one"** Unless your **it's a conjuntion, dumbass. "You're," not "Your"** stupid and give the picture to a known robot or asshole, it won't get taken and put up on the net. The net isn't some web-posting monster, it has better things to do with it's non-thinking mind. **better things to do with its NON THINKING MIND??? BY DEFINITION, A MIND IS A BODY THAT THINKS. CHECK OUT DESCARTES ASSHOLE**So just keep your pics away from people who will post them to their porn sites **yeah, YOU of all people should know about porn sites.**, not everyone."

I think Im going to cry.

... Link

From a personal Ad

Other vices:
I am looking for the right boifriend. A good relationship according to me shoudn't be always based on sex, there are other things to do in the relationship then fuck and suck. I love to go out to movies, eating out, and enjoying nice walks along the riverfront. First comes a good well established relationship, then the fun begins. Relationships shoudn't be based on sex, as a matter of fact I enjoy cuddling more then I do sex. Also, I enjoy romantic dinners, dancing, making out, doing things together such as shopping. Also reading a book together. I also wanted to mention, that me and my ideal boifriend would have to live together, instead of going to each others house and visit because that to me is no fun.

ANYONE that spells "boy" with an "I" should be shot.
This BOY is an IDIOT.

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