Tuesday, 10. September 2002

While watching the right wing propoganda on CNN on the morning of September 10th, 2002, there was a story concerning a new videotape released by Al-Quaeda. Apparently there was some dispute over whether or not the tape was merely a propoganda tool, a video-feed version of giving the United States the finger, or a device of recruitment.

During the course of the story the newscaster referred to Moussaoui (the "terrorist" that was in jail the morning of Sept 11, 2001) as "the twentieth highjacker."

Ok, lets get ahold of ourselves here. This reference to an Islamic inmate--again, IN JAIL the morning of Sept. 11th--as the "twentieth highjacker" seems to me the equivalent of calling Elvis Presley the "fifth Beatle."

Are we not satisfied with the 19 highjackers that we were already provided? Is it simply that the most recent Gallup Poll indicates people are more comfortable with nice, round numbers?

This is just one small example of the ridiculous nature of CNN's news coverage and the capricious motives of the media in general.

I suppose now that somehow our fine President, appointed as he was by the Supreme Court (NOT the voting majority--a basic tenet of democracy, no?) will use this new discovery of a "twentieth highjacker" to bolster international support for a unilateral war against Italy.

Sound incredible? Maybe even a little bit of a stretch? You know, you're right. Perhaps CNN could use me on their news staff after all.

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