Thursday, 27. March 2003
New Location

For all eight readers of my weblog, Im announcing that I have moved to a new location, and that I will no longer be using antville as a host for my rants. The new location is:


The reason for the move is the difficulties antville has with keeping their site up and available.

The new location is well-established and popular. It is relatively user-friendly and so far I have enjoyed it. Keep in mind, if you do visit the new location, it is still pretty new so there is relatively little to read (i.e. all of two entries so far).

I hope to see your comments at blogspot.


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Thursday, 20. March 2003

I watched the President's speech at 9:10pm on Wednesday, March 19th, when the war to "disarm Iraq" officially started.

He mentioned "commitment to Iraq, even after the war."

Why is it then that I heard, "Indefinite occupation?"

What a thrilling time for a scientist of international affairs, and what a tragic time for the world as a whole.

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Wednesday, 26. February 2003
A Disturbing Phenomena

Sitting in class one day, a discussion came about regarding the 2000 Presidential election. Remember that one? The election where the Supreme Court and Katherine Harris decided who was going to be our President?

Well, an older woman in the classroom raised her hand to give her opinion on the matter. I was so aghast at what she had to say, that I remember it word for word. Here it is:

"I'm a die-hard Democrat, and I was outraged by the results of the 2000 election. But, when September 11th happened, I figured it was best for all of us, Republicans and Democrats alike, to rally behind our leader and let him have his way. So far I think he has been doing a pretty good job."

After this woman was through with her diatribe, there was an almost unanimous nodding of heads in agreement throughout the classroom (which is filled with about 25 people). This is where those of us who actually love our country and champion its ideals should pause for some thought.

For one, I agree that Bush was wholly in the right when he responded to 9-11 with the attacks in Afghanistan. Albeit, some of his tactics were outright brutal (such as the "accidental" bombing of a wedding party, you can read my take on that here: "Killing Afghans" 7-10-2002), for the most part, he did his job to the best of his ability.

However, to say that he is continuing to do an upstanding job preserving freedom in America (remember, we are fighting the "enemies of Freedom") is a position of either absolute ignorance, or worse yet, hate for the ideals America should stand for. Disagree? Go to these websights and do some browsing around:


http://www.darpa.mil/iao/ (this is the link to the homepage for the US information awareness office. Last time I looked, it appears that they got rid of their bizzare, "eye in the pyramid zapping earth with death rays" logo.)

http://www.ready.gov then visit the spoof site: http://www.idlewords.com/biological.html

Ok, that last one was more for fun than anything.

Anyhow, my point is that we should all be pretty shocked by statements such as those above from die-hard Democrats which subsequently receive so much concurrence. This is not bipartisanship, this is blind adherence to propaganda and weak-minded sheepishness that contributes to the continued erosion of our civil rights.

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